
Band Chart - 11X17 Color.pdf

YouTube Video for SKYWARN Presentation at the 2021 Maine Virtual Hamfest given by Tim Watson KB1HNZ and Eric Emery N1RXR

YouTube Video for Optimizing Your Audio (Transmit and Receive) Presentation at the 2021 Maine Virtual Hamfest given by Dr. Bob Heil K9EID

YouTube Video for the Volunteer Monitor Program Presentation at the 2021 Maine Virtual Hamfest given by Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH

YouTube Video for the FT8: Not A Prefix, A Power New Mode Presentation at the 2021 Maine Virtual Hamfest given by Larry Banks W1DYJ

YouTube Video of the ARRL Forum at the 2021 Maine Virtual Hamfest given by Bob Gould N1WJO and Phil Temples K9HI